Bicycle AccidentsKnow more about bicycle accidents Any two-wheeler accident is easily avoidable if they follow the driving rules. However, even with the understanding of all the laws and precautions, accidents still happen. Bicycle accidents most of the time result in fatalities. This is because they are exposed from all the corners; the risk of getting severe injuries is higher in two-wheeler. Bicycle riding is a fun hobby. Many people even take bicycle riding as a full-time profession. But even with utmost care, people end up in accidents. Define bicycle accident An accident occurs when one object collides with another object with full force. In the case of a bicycle accident, it collides with another vehicle or a stationed object or due to some obstacle. If the collision happens with full force, the severity of injuries can be extremely high. Causes of bicycle accident There are a number of ways through which a bicycle accident can be caused. Let us further discuss some reasons as to why these accidents happen:- Rider riding too fast – Fast riding is one of the common causes of a bicycle accident. Sometimes rider rides too fast that they lose control of their bicycle. The moment they lose control they tend to crashes into a vehicle or any object that causes collisions that can cause serious injuries.
Cars driving too fast – It is not always that bikers are at fault. In most of the cases reported, it is the car drivers fault in the accident. The driver may be driving too fast or not following safety driving rules. Cars driving at fast speed can lose control and run into a bicycle. Also, if the car rider is taking a right turn without giving an indicator, it can result in a crash.
Riding in the wrong lane – Florida state has bicycle lanes to keep them safe from the incoming traffic. But if the rider is in too hurry and crosses a wrong lane, he or she can end up in an accident.
Road surface – Many bicycle accidents are caused due to an ill maintenance of road surfaces. With potholes and uneven road, riders can easily roll over and fall and can be run over by an incoming vehicle. Common injuries Head Injuries – This is the most common injury caused by bicycle riders and accounts for the high number of fatal accidents. Despite knowing the fact that wearing a helmet is necessary while driving, many victims with head injuries are found not wearing helmets causing brain injuries and death.
Body pains – Cycling is a great exercise because it helps in moving every muscle of your body. Cyclists are often found complaining of contusions, pain in back or hip, fractures and sprains in hand, wrist, shoulder, leg, and ankle.
Abdominal injuries – Whether a person is a professional cyclist or just normal rider, they tend to spend a lot of time riding their bicycles. The position while riding the cycle requires them to use the handlebar and sit on the seat that causes a wide variety of abdominal and genital injuries. Hire a Bicycle Attorney You would need a bicycle accident attorney when you are hit due to someone else’s negligence. You would need to see an attorney to fight for you to get the compensation for your damages like physical injuries, loss of income (if any), medical expenses etc. A good bicycle attorney would guide you through your claim process, instigate the claim process for you and ensure to make your claim successful. So, if you are looking for a bicycle accident lawyer to help you with your accident queries, call Lawyers of Mark Schiffrin P. A. at 954-866-7722 to get a free legal consultation. |