Negligence AttorneysIf you have been involved in an accident that in all likelihood could have been prevented, then it is likely that you have been injured as a direct result of someone else’s negligence. In such cases contacting our team of Negligence lawyer in South Florida is a great idea!. They can help you to file a lawsuit against the guilty and can earn you compensation for your loss. Practically speaking, there are many types of negligence, and it is essential to know which category your case would fall under since they all must be handled differently. Following are the common types of Negligence in which a South Florida Negligence Lawyer can assist you – Gross NegligenceIn such cases, the negligence was so careless that it showed a complete lack of concern for the safety of others. It is a much more severe form of oversight that goes beyond simple reckless action. Comparative NegligenceHere, the plaintiff is marginally responsible for the injuries caused to oneself. When resolving such cases, the plaintiff may be required to pay a percentage of the damages. Contributory NegligenceIn such cases, if the plaintiff caused his or her injury in any manner, damages cannot be collected at all. However, this type of negligence is being abandoned in many areas. Mixed Contributory & Comparative NegligenceThis form of negligence is a combination of contributory and comparative. In such cases, if the plaintiff is determined to be more than 50% responsible for his or her injury, then he or she may receive only a percentage of damages or none at all depending on the merits of the case. Vicarious LiabilityThis form of negligence involves the defendant being held responsible for the harmful actions of another person or animal. This form of liability is often used in cases where the injury is caused by young children or minors, or a dog attack. In such cases, the parent of the minor or the owner of the dog will be held liable since the child or the animal cannot be held responsible. Vicarious Liability can also be used when an employer fails to oversee employees correctly and in turn, is held accountable for their actions. Elements of a Negligence caseTo file a lawsuit for negligence, you need to prove that the defendant was negligent and therefore liable for injury to you. To accomplish this, all of the following elements must be shown –
Choose Mark Schiffrin P.A. as your Negligence Attorney in South FloridaEven if it seems like all the elements are present for you to file a claim, making a compelling case for your cause requires the presence of a skilled lawyer. Mark Schiffrin and its Negligence Law Firm in South Florida, arguing such cases for over 30 years and bring a great deal of experience to the table. If you have suffered injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact South Florida Negligence Attorney Mark Schiffrin P.A. on 954-866-7722 or email us at
We offer legal counsel to injured victims in following locations of the South Florida: |