Dog Bite AttorneyRole of an attorney in Dog bite injury Dogs are cute only till they don’t harm any injuries to the owner or anybody else. It might sound surprising, but if you have even been bitten by a dog or you know someone who has been involved in dog bite accident, then you can claim compensation for your injuries from the owner of the dog. Define Dog bite Imagine you are visiting a friend who owns a dog as well. You are just relaxing one minute and the other minute you realized that the dog pounced on you and bit you because of some reason. This can be termed as a dog bite. An animal bite or dog bite is considered when they bite someone on the premises of the dog owner. A dog can transmit certain diseases if you do not take proper medical attention immediately. Things you need to do immediately after accident You might not know, but immediately after a dog bite incident, there are certain things that need to be done immediately in order to file a successful claim – Note down the name and address of people present during the accident along with the details of the dog owner.
– If possible, take photographs of wounds before getting a treatment.
– Get medical attention immediately because dog bites can have major health consequences. Ask the doctor to note down the severity of the incident and what kind of medical treatment is needed to avoid any health problems.
– Ask a friend or family member to report the incident to the local animal control in your jurisdiction. The authorities would send an investigating officer to collect all the evidence that would be required later while filing a claim against the dog owner. Make sure you cooperate with the investigating officer fully. Injuries caused by animal bites Usually, people keep dogs, cats, rats, monkeys and even snakes as their pets. Every animal bite has its own consequences and can be detrimental for the victim. Physical damage caused by an animal bite depends on various factors like the type and size of the animal. Here are some common injuries caused by an animal bite:- – Severe skin tears – Bone Fracture – Neurological damage – Rabies – Punctured wounds – Psychological trauma – Scarring and blemishes Consulting a dog bite attorney One of the things that you must do after a dog bite injury is to contact a dog bite attorney at the earliest. An animal bite claim can be considered under personal injury claim and hence a personal injury lawyer would be the right person to attack who specializes in representing victims who have sustained dog bite injuries. Make sure that you report the incident immediately since the decree of limitation confines the amount of time that is authorized to take actions against the person who is responsible for your injuries. So, the more you delay, the least are the chances of you getting a financial compensation. Our South Florida dog bite injury lawyers at Mark Schiffrin P. A. are experienced injury lawyers who deal in all kinds of animal attack claims with high success rate. Call us now at 954-866-7722 to get free consultation. |