Swimming pool accidents attorneySwimming pools are fun, especially during summers. There is nothing like taking a dip in cool waters. However, with swimming pools, there comes a lot of liabilities and risk operating it. Each year many people die in swimming pool accidents due to drowning. So, if you have a swimming pool in your home or some resort, then you must know the laws related to injuries and liabilities that come with pools. Risk Related to swimming pools When someone swims in your pool, it automatically becomes your liability for the safety of the swimmer. There are a variety of accidents that can happen in swimming pools, but the most common are drowning. This usually happens with children when they are not supervised during swimming. Safety measures that can be taken If you are a swimming pool owner, there are certain safety measures that need to be taken to avoid any mishappening. Here are some precautionary steps that should be taken:-
1. Close the swimming pool area if you are currently not using it. This way you can reduce the chances of guests sneaking into your pool
2. If there are no lifeguards available, have caution signs to let people know that they are responsible for their own safety.
3. Never let children swim without supervision. Parents should always keep a constant eye on children while swimming
4. Make sure you wear safety gear like floaters if you are not familiar with swimming
5. Never leave toys or other stuff in the pool; it may entice children to hop in the water.
6. Get certification in CPR, in case somebody receives injuries during the accident
7. Keep the drains protected and never allow swimming in pools where drains are broken
8. A safety vacuum release system should be installed to drain all the water blocked in drain These are some safety measures that should be taken by every pool owner. However, if you have lost someone due to the negligence of the pool owner, then you are entitled to filing a lawsuit against the owner and demand for compensation. Seeking compensation after the accident Whether you are injured or suffered a wrongful death in a pool accident, it requires support and guidance of a personal injury lawyer who specializes in settling claims for pool accidents in South Florida. Immediately after the accident, call for medical help. Timely medical help can avoid any serious injuries or even deaths. Swimming pool accident can cause brain and spinal injuries and these can be serious. Receiving these injuries can make a person impaired for life. The victim would require lifetime medical care that can be expensive, loss of income (in the case of adults), rehabilitation costs etc. So, if you are looking for a personal injury lawyer contact Mark Schiffrin P.A law firm at 954-866-7722 to get your own South Florida swimming pool accident lawyer. |