Trust and maintenance of complete transparency with your personal injury attorney are demanded if you want to win a case. Being straightforward and giving your attorney enough information could make the difference between winning and losing a case. The following are some essential things you need to tell your personal injury lawyer. A small piece of information might play a big role in validating the evidence against the defendant. Being candid and imparting every possible info to your attorney pertaining to the case is an essential winning strategy.
- How the mishap occurred
This includes the place, time and all the particulars that led to the occurrence of the injury. The primal part of the info is how the incident occurred. It will be the deciding factor for the attorney to design the course of action that needs to be taken in order to hold a strong case against the defendant. Every small piece of info can make a big difference to the final result of your settlement. So do not miss out on any point. The more accurate the info, the more are your winning chances!
- History of injuries
Be open to your attorney. Tell him directly if you have ever been subjected to any accidents or injuries prior to the current one. This is your chance to be on the safe side of the fence! In case you do not inform, the other party might take advantage. All of a sudden, they might bring this information to the limelight, wrongly convincing the jury that your injuries are the outcomes of some earlier incident. As a result, your attorney might be caught off guard since you ever mentioned it to him! In order to make sure he is well-equipped, you need to spell it out to him.
- Expenses and loss of wages
Financial details pertaining to your injury impact the outcome of your settlement. You need to be extra cautious about giving all the financial details. Starting from medical bills to wages you missed along with the respective dates, keep a record of all these specificities.
- Past bankruptcy
It is vital for your lawyer to know about any bankruptcy filings that you might have performed. It is more crucial for him to know if the filing has occurred at the time of deliberation period of the case is going on. Creditors might advantage and take away any settlement you receive from the personal injury case.
- Criminal history
Typically, a criminal history does not impact the personal injury case. However, your lawyer should be made well-informed of any past convictions that you might have faced. The lawyers of the opposing party or the insurance company will not spare any loophole that might arise while running your background check.
- Recent divorce
A former or current spouse might have the right to a portion of the settlement you receive. This is all the more justified in case that spouse of yours has helped you in any way to recover you’re your injury.
- Any contacts
Make sure to keep the record of every possible call or message that any of the persons in the scene of the mishap has left you. These records should be instantly handed over to your lawyer for him to further analyze. Be it a witness, the driver who has caused the injury or his insurance company, keep all the calls or texts you have received from any of them.
- Any declines
In case you tried to hire other lawyers who declined your case, inform the whole scenario to your current attorney to be on the safer side.
You need to keep in mind certain criteria before considering to hire a specific personal injury attorney.
Here are certain qualities that make Mark Schiffrin P.A. one of the top choices for the best personal injury attorney:
- Accessibility
The attorney is conveniently accessible to you for flexible number of hours.
- Experience
With a whopping experience of over 30 years, he is well-equipped with all the specialized knowledge related to any kind of personal injury case. He has dealt with all types of personal injury cases, so knows it all in-and-out.
- Care
With the objective to keep you up-to-date with all the course of actions pertaining to the case, the attorney is a perfect fit if you wish to win the case.
Importance of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer
- Work through complicated paperwork
A proficient attorney can ease out the baffling and complicated paperwork necessary to resolve your claim so that you can get the recovery.
- No expenses for paying fees if you don’t win the case
You do not need to pay in case you don’t win. Such attorneys work for a contingency fee.
- Experience can guide through the right course of action
These attorneys can evaluate and inform you at the time of consultation itself whether it is worth fighting the claim.
- Acquiring the help of the specialized team of investigators
Experienced attorneys share rapport with specialized investigators who can assist you to skillfully scrutinize the technical aspects of your case.
- Maintenance of practicality
A case always comes with a mixed bag of emotions both for the plaintiff and the defendant. Attorneys try keeping the atmosphere calm by being more practical and neutral.
- Exercising Alternative Dispute Resolution methods
A case might need a peaceful settlement procedure to get resolved rather than a prolonged ugly trial. An experienced personal injury attorney in South Florida shall figure the best and easiest way out to resolve the case for you. This saves your time, expenses and energy.
- Experience with insurance companies and other attorneys
Personal injury lawyers are familiar in dealing with other insurance companies r attorneys.
- Resorting to a peaceful settlement as a means of resolving a case
Negotiated settlements are often the most effective way of resolving a case in a satisfactory manner. The plaintiff needs to give up the right to sue in exchange for a substantial payment from the defendant or his insurance company.
- Winning the case in the best possible way
In case of a necessary trial, the lawyer can efficiently represent you in court and work towards winning the case.